Friday, November 30, 2012

Your Emails Are Too Long: Here's How to Fix Them

Your Emails Are Too Long: Here's How to Fix ThemI recently received an email asking me a simple request. However, the email was three pages long. The whole message could have been three lines, but instead the author decided to write a short novella. Needless to say, I didn't read the whole thing. Nor did I respond. Are your emails going unread because they are too long?

Long Emails Don't Get Read

You may take email for granted. However, effective email communication is as much a skill as anything else. When used effectively, email can be a powerful tool. However, one of the top email inefficiencies is message length. One of the top reasons your email isn't getting read is because it is too long. Writing long emails doesn't mean you are getting more work done. As people are fighting to get their inbox to empty, the last thing they want to do is read a multi-page rambling email.

Keep Those Emails Short

Resist the urge to write long and drawn out messages. If you find yourself writing long responses, you probably should be having a conversation, not an email writing contest. The shorter and tighter your email messages, the better chance that they will be read, understood and acted upon.

Here are 10 Reasons That Your Emails Are Too Long

  1. You don't know what you are trying to say. It's like when someone calls you and says, "What's up?" Um, I don't know? you called me. Hold that email until you have something specific to say or ask.
  2. You don't know what you are talking about. This is similar to when people endlessly talk in meetings to cover up their lack of information. Writing more isn't going to cover up the fact that you are lacking knowledge. This practice occurs in many companies when individuals send emails to "appear" busy.
  3. Your signature is unnecessary. Your half-page signature doesn't need to be on all of your emails. Do you send emails with a 1 word response and then half of a page of signature? As well, please lose the attached graphic and cute quote.
  4. You are writing a book. Emails are not books. If there is additional information, attach supporting documents. If you are putting a large table in your email, you should stop and consider whether it should be in an attachment.
  5. You are spamming. This happens often in larger corporations. Employees feel the need to send each other lengthy updates of what they have been doing. And it's not just the remote employees. I used to get multi-page updates from a guy down the hall on his daily activities. Not needed.
  6. You are rambling. Don't write a 2-page email to ask a 1-line question. Be direct. Thanks.
  7. You are forwarding a mess. Instead of taking the time explain, you just forward your email stream. Ever get one of those, "See below..!" messages. Um, I don't want to read the 45 page back-and-forth that you participated in.
  8. It shouldn't be an email. Don't send an email when it should be a meeting. Or a phone call. Sometimes email isn't the right medium for your message. If it is taking more than a few lines to explain, then go talk to the person you need to communicate with.
  9. It should be multiple emails. Here is a good one. One boss combines all of the team items into one email. You may think this is an attempt at efficiency, however combining multiple emails into one doesn't work for everyone involved. And it creates great aftermath when people "Reply All."
  10. You don't edit your emails. After you write an email, you should edit it before sending. Besides the obvious spelling and grammatical errors, you should be editing for content, meaning, and conciseness. Another good thumb-rule: the number of times you should re-read an email before sending is equal to the number of people you are sending it to. (And yes, this rule scales.)

Make Sure Your Email Gets to the Point

In today's high-speed communication, no one wants to read overly long email messages. If your emails are brief and to the point, your recipients will be more likely to get the point. Remember that short and sweet will beat the 3-page email every time.

Are you guilty of sending long email messages?

10 Reasons Your Emails Are Too Long | Time Management Ninja

Craig Jarrow is the author of Time Management Ninja. The mission of this site it to help individuals and companies reclaim their time. He writes about time management, productivity, and goal setting.

Image remixed from auremar (Shutterstock).

Want to see your work on Lifehacker? Email Tessa.


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Opportunities to share from your abundance or your need ? The ...

By Tanya Connor

?Dear Papa Noel, you never pass to our house. You don?t even give us a cloth doll. ? Our parents are not working. They have no money to feed us, even less to buy a doll, balloon and sparkler. ? Come Papa Noel, please, bring us at least some joy. ? My clothes are in rags. I need a little dress and a pair of shoes ? to wear for the New Year.?
Sister Marie-Judith Dupuy says she and her siblings sang this song by Yole Derose in Creole when they were growing up in Haiti. But the Sister of St. Anne who now directs the Worcester Diocese?s Haitian Apostolate didn?t see its reality until her novitiate.
Her mother, a business school teacher, gave her and her siblings big Christmas gifts when they were children, but explained that not every child in Haiti received such things, she recalls.
She says she didn?t meet such children, however, until she was sent to be principal of Ecole St. Anne in Chardonnieres, which more recently twinned with Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Webster. One of her ?foolish decisions? was sending home students who came to school without socks and shoes, she says. When she learned their parents couldn?t afford such things, she paid for them with school funds.
She?s still doing that ? with your money now. She?s planning her annual Christmas party for students in the Les Cayes Diocese whom people here sponsor. So far about half of the sponsors have responded to her letter requesting money for shoes and/or a coloring book and crayons for their child. Some have delivered other gifts to her office in the Chancery.
One sponsor called her student ?my daughter,? pronouncing her name with a French accent, Sister Judith says.
?That?s all I want it to be ? a loving connection,? she explains. ?The child is not a number, but has a name.?
She says $25 will buy a pair of shoes, the gift students are anticipating.
She is asking sponsors and others to send checks made out to the Haitian Apostolate to 49 Elm St., Worcester MA 01609 by St. Nicholas? Day ? Dec. 6. Extra donations can help defray the party?s cost and buy gifts for children who come uninvited. The deadline for bringing Sister Judith non-monetary donations is 4 p.m. today.
Pressing needs abound. Sister Judith says Hurricane Sandy destroyed gardens, houses and three chapels (also used for schools) of St. Joseph Parish in Damassin, which twins with St. Aloysius-St. Jude Parish in Leicester. She wonders how to help.
Meanwhile she?s responding to a Christmas song?s requests.
?The dresses I received from St. Columba?s will be given for Christmas,? she says, rejoicing in handmade donations from a group at the Paxton parish. ?Remember the song??

There are also people in need closer to home ? your home, if not theirs. Consider the following from the November 2012 Abby?s House newsletter Bright Spot.
?For many of us, the holidays remind us of where we belong.? ? After all, home is where the heart is, right? Imagine for a moment that such a place no longer exists. What would you do? How would you feel? For the women at Abby?s House, the idea of home is often a distant memory, or perhaps something they have never fully experienced.
?Because of the generosity of so many people, our women will have a warm place to live ? a child in our shelter will feel cared for, because of a toy received; residents and shelter guests will feel special, because of the gift bags we distribute each Christmas. These are not just gifts, but reminders that our residents belong somewhere; that they are part of a family.?
The newsletter requests flannel twin sheets, towels, scarves, gloves, travel mugs, car snow brushes, flashlights, and gift cards for pharmacies, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants and coffee shops.
Gifts for your loved ones, purchased through Amazon, can also benefit Abby?s House. See for details.
One gift idea is Annette Rafferty?s new memoir, ?Still Wearing Smooth the Path: 10 More Years at Abby?s House 2001-2011.? She has a book signing at 6 p.m. Dec. 6 at Gale Free Library, 23 Highland St., Holden. Proceeds from the $25 book (shipping costs $3) support Abby?s House. See or call Marj Ropp at 508-756-5486.

??The Diocesan Office for Vocations is seeking gift cards from Staples, Walmart, CVS and Best Buy for seminarians. Father James S. Mazzone, office director, said such gifts help the men with needs for their studies and ministries. He can be contacted at 508-340-5788 or email

? Catholic Charities is seeking sweatshirts, sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves and mittens for children and adults, children?s books, non-perishable food, and gift cards for Walmart, Target, grocery stores and pharmacies. Contact Cynthia Taberner at or 508-860-2250.
Volunteers are needed at Catholic Charities at 10 Hammond St., Worcester, at 9:30 a.m. Christmas day to help deliver the Bishop?s Christmas Dinner to homes. Contact Bob Cronin at 508-860-2261.
The Guild of St. Agnes is seeking gifts for children from newborn to age 12, disposable diapers and related items, pajamas sizes 3-12 months, pants sizes 3T-5T, children?s hats, mittens and coats, and gift cards for discount stores, toy stores and grocery stores. The Guild also wants volunteers to read to children weekly for three months. Contact Sharon Woodbury at or 508-755-2238.

? Pernet Family Health Service is seeking children?s toys and clothes, books and videos, and gift cards for teenagers and families. Contact Michael Rezkalla at or 508-755-1228, ext. 251.

? Gifts for children can be delivered, or money to buy them can be mailed, to Urban Missionaries of Our Lady of Hope, 242 Canterbury St., Worcester MA 01603. Online donations to the former Refugee Apostolate can be made at Contact Deacon Walter and Kathy Doyle at 508-831-7455.

? Visitation House is seeking sleepwear, coats and umbrellas for women, water bottles, adult lunch boxes, scrapbooking and other craft supplies and gift cards to grocery stores, pharmacies and discount stores. Contact Sherry Robbins at or 508-798-8002.

? Marie Anne Center at St. Bernard Church is seeking? winter hats and mittens for school-aged children. Contact Sister Michele Jacques, SSA, at 508-736-6986.

? Nativity School of Worcester is seeking art supplies, sports and music equipment, and clothes: khaki pants and white, button-down shirts, belts, and dress shoes in sizes from boy?s small to men?s medium. Contact Patrick Maloney at or 508-799-0100.

? Dismas House is seeking sheets, blankets, toiletries, pajamas, hats and gloves for male residents. Especially needed are grocery store gift cards and donations to the Father Brooks House winter heating fund. Volunteers are needed to bring or cook meals to share with residents. You can also support Dismas House by going Christmas shopping at Contact David McMahon at or 508-799-9389.

? Bibles and ?plastic and cord? black rosaries are needed for inmates at? Worcester County Jail and House of Correction. Contact Deacon Gary and Elizabeth Miller at

? SS. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker House is seeking coats, waterproof mittens, bus passes and gift cards for restaurants and clothing stores. Contact Scott and Claire Schaeffer-Duffy at 508-753-3588.

? The Mustard Seed Catholic Worker is seeking clothing, sleeping bags, blankets ? and housing donated for shelter ? for adults sleeping outside. Call Donna Domiziano at 508-754-7098.

? Jeremiah?s Inn is seeking men?s hats, gloves, scarves and shirts. Especially requested is a size 7X shirt and pair of sweatpants, and a size 14 EEE wide pair of sneakers and socks to fit. Contact Denise Hurley at 508-755-6403.

? Worcester County Food Bank is seeking non-perishable food to be dropped off at 474 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information see or call 508-842-3663.


PHOTO: Patty Kowalchek of Auburn helps assemble meals for delivery for the Bishop?s Thanksgiving Dinner, sponsored by Catholic Charities. Photo by L.A. Faille


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Scanadu's Scout tricorder and companion app detect what ails you, arrive in 2013 for $150

Scanadu's Scout tricorder and companion app detect what ails you, arrive in 2013 for $150

The quest to create a tricorder began many years ago, when such a device was but a figment of Gene Roddenberry's vivid imagination. However, his vision has crept ever closer to reality in recent years, with many researchers crafting devices capable of gathering human health data and the creation of an X Prize competition to spur further tricorder development.

Scanadu is a company that's answered the X Prize bell and is aiming to bring just such a device to market by late next year for a mere $150. Called Scout, the tricorder is roughly two inches square and a half an inch thick and packs a rechargeable battery, IR , EEG and EKG scanners, plus an accelerometer, Bluetooth radio and a micro-USB port. That hardware, when combined with Scout's companion smartphone app can track a person's heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature, pulse transit (essentially systolic blood pressure) and blood oxygenation.

To gather that data, users first must download the free Scout app and pair the tricorder hardware with their Android, iOS or BB7 handset via Bluetooth. Then it's simply a matter of pinching the device between their thumb and finger and holding it against their temple for ten seconds while the app takes the necessary readings. From there, the app can track your data over the long haul and provide an accurate picture of your health. We had a chance to see functional and production Scout prototypes and to speak with Scanadu CEO Walter De Brouwer and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Alan Greene about Scout's development, so join us after the break for more.

Continue reading Scanadu's Scout tricorder and companion app detect what ails you, arrive in 2013 for $150

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Quentin Tarantino's 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Reservoir Dogs' return to ...

John Travolta, left, and Samuel L. Jackson, in an image from Quentin Tarantino's 1994 film 'Pulp Fiction.' The film, as well as Tarantino's 1992 debut, 'Reservoir Dogs,' is set to return to theaters for a one-night engagement. (Photo by Miramax)

It's a good time to be a Quentin Tarantino fan. Not only is his New Orleans-shot "Django Unchained" scheduled to arrive in theaters next month, but two of his earlier films -- "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction" -- are poised to return for one-night-only engagements at local theaters. They top this week's "Thinking Outside the Box Office" column, a regular rundown of notable film events on the horizon for local film fans.


Tarantino XX: 'Reservoir Dogs' 20th anniversary event Elmwood Palace, Westbank Palace, Perkins Row (Baton Rouge), Citiplace 11 (Baton Rouge), Cinemark 16 (Gulfport). NCM Fathom, Miramax and IGN host a one-night-only event (7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4) to celebrate the 20th anniversary of director Quentin Tarantino's 1992 film "Reservoir Dogs." In addition to a screening of the film, the event will include trailers hand-picked by Tarantino from movies that influenced his work, as well as exclusive new interviews.
Tickets are $12.50 and are available at participating theater box offices or online at

Tarantino XX: 'Pulp Fiction' screening Elmwood Palace, Westbank Palace, Perkins Row (Baton Rouge), Citiplace 11 (Baton Rouge), Cinemark 16 (Gulfport). NCM Fathom, Miramax and IGN host a one-night-only event (7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6) as part of a celebration of the 20th anniversary of director Quentin Tarantino's film career. In addition to a screening "Pulp Fiction," the event will include trailers hand-picked by Tarantino from movies that influenced his work, as well as exclusive new interviews.
Tickets are $12.50 and are available at participating theater box offices or online at

Star Trek - The Next Generation: A Celebration of Season 2 Perkins Row (Baton Rouge), Citiplace 11 (Baton Rouge), Cinemark 16 (Gulfport). NCM Fathom, CBS Home Entertainment and IGN host a one-night-only event (7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 29) to celebrate the upcoming Dec. 4 Blu-ray debut of Season 2 of the sci-fi TV series, featuring the broadcast of two Season 2 episodes, "Q Who?" and a new extended cut of "The Measure of a Man." The event, which will be simulcast to more than 550 theaters nationwide, will include a sneak peek of behind-the-scenes special features including a cast reunion, a documentary and a previously unseen gag reel.
Tickets are $10.50 and are available at participating theater box offices or online at

Prytania Theatre Midnite Movies Series 5339 Prytania St., 891.2787. The theater continues its weekly series of cult-classic film screenings. This week: director Jim Sharman's 1975 audience-participation musical "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" (midnight Friday and Saturday, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1), starring Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick and Tim Curry.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $9 for college students, and $8 for children and seniors. For details visit the Prytania Theatre website.

Prytania Theatre Classic Movie Series 5339 Prytania St., 504.891.2787. The theater continues its weekly series of Hollywood classics. This week: director Victor Fleming's 1939 fantasy "The Wizard of Oz" (10 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 2; and Wednesday, Dec. 5), starring Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Burt Lahr, Ray Bolger and Jack Haley.
Tickets: $5.75. For details visit the Prytania Theatre website.

Zeitgeist Multi-Disciplinary Arts Center 1618 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., 504.827.5858. New this week: directors Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady's documentary "Detropia" (7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30, through Thursday, Dec. 6; with the exception of Tuesday, Dec. 4, when it will screen at 5:15 p.m.), which holds up the city of Detroit as an emblem of the loss of America's manufacturing base. Grady will participate in a Q-and-A via Skype after Friday's screening. Also screening: the documentary "Big Easy Express" (7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4), in which the bands Mumford & Sons, Old Crow Medicine Show and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes travel together by train from San Francisco to New Orleans, stopping to gig along the way; and "Cry of the Third Eye" (9:15 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 5-6), a live, 30-minute experimental opera film by visiting artist/opera singer Lisa E. Harris, with live musical narration. Holding over: director Martin Papazian's 2012 drama "Least Among Saints" (9:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 1 and 2).
Tickets are $8 ($7 for students and seniors; $6 for members and children under 16). For details, including screening times, visit the Zeitgeist Multi-Disciplinary Arts Center website.


Deutsches Haus Kino Deutsches Haus, 1023 Ridgewood St., Metairie, 522.8014. The local cultural center continues its series of notable German films. This week: the 2011 zombie thriller "Rammbock - Berlin Undead" (7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5). All films are subtitled.
For details, visit the Deutsches Haus website. Read a full review of "Rammbock" here.

'Immigrants' screening Contemporary Arts Center, 900 Camp Street. As part of its Cinema Reset exhibition, the arts center teams with the New Orleans Film Society to present a screening of directors Laszlo Fulop and Marline Otte's 'Immigrants' (5:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 30), a documentary about 'creative-class' immigrants. A Q-and-A with the directors will follow the screening.
Tickets are free to Louisiana residents. For details, visit the Contemporary Arts Center website.

Musically Speaking screening series New Orleans African American Museum (1418 Gov. Nicholls St.). The Charitable Film Network, Press Street and WWOZ co-present a series of free, music-themed film screenings curated and hosted by DJ Soul Sister. New this week: the 1984 documentary "The Gospel According to Al Green" (7 p.m., Monday, Dec. 3).
For details, email the Charitable Film Network or visit the Press Street website.


The Social Change Film Festival & Institute The second annual festival -- geared toward supporting the merging of filmmaking and social activism -- kicks off six days of workshops and screenings of socially minded films today (Nov. 28) through Monday (Dec. 3) at various venues around town including the Zeitgeist Multi-Disciplinary Arts Center, Dillard University, Loyola University and the Contemporary Arts Center.
Festival passes -- available online through the festival website -- are available in various forms, including $30 for workshops only, $95 for screenings only, and $125 for film screenings and institute. Dillard and Loyola may attend events on their home campuses for free. Click here for a full schedule of events.


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Featured Home: The Plumrose Cottage by Ross Chapin at Inglenook

The Plumrose Cottage Home?

The Plumrose is Inglenook?s largest cottage home.? Designed by award-winning architect Ross Chapin, the Plumrose possesses all of the character and charm you?ve come to know and love with some added space and flexibility.

This roomy abode features 3-4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and a 2.5-car garage.? The open floor plan provides the perfect space for entertaining friends and family!? Like our other homes, the Plumrose accommodates main floor living with a large master bedroom and full bath.? Outside the master bedroom is a private patio and fenced side yard.? The side patio is a great space to relax, enjoy a morning cup of coffee, and read your favorite book.

The second floor houses an additional full bath and more spacious bedrooms!? The bedrooms are bright and airy with cathedral ceilings and enormous walk-in closets.? Another unique feature of the Plumrose is its flexibility in design.? Just take the front upstairs bedroom.? It can be transformed into six different layouts ? a children?s realm with two bedrooms and a playroom or a guest room and office ? to name just two.? The flexibility in design provides you just one more way to customize your cottage home.? Talk to Casey, our builder, to discuss the different possibilities!

View the Plumrose virtual tour >

View photos of the Plumrose >

Inglenook currently has one Plumrose that is available pre-built and move-in ready! ?View our site plan to see where the pre-built Plumrose is located. ?If you?re looking to make a move a few months down the road, a custom-built Plumrose would be a great fit!? The typical build period is 6-8 months depending on weather.

Stop by today to check out the Plumrose and tour our neighborhood.? The Inglenook sales office is open Wednesday-Friday, 2-6PM and Saturday-Sunday, 1-4PM.? To schedule a private tour please contact Dana at 317.844.5584 or via email at

Tags: Cottage style home, Cottage style homes, Homes for sale in Carmel IN, Inglenook, New Homes in Carmel IN, Ross Chapin

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 29th, 2012 at 8:46 am and is filed under Cottage Style Homes, Cottage Style Homes by Ross Chapin: The Madison, Indianapolis Real Estate, New Homes for Sale in Carmel, New Homes for Sale in Carmel IN, New Homes in Carmel, Ross Chapin, The Plumrose by Ross Chapin. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

PSA: Nexus 4 returns to Google Play at 3PM ET

PSA Nexus 4 returns to Google Play at 3PM ET

Google's been emailing some good news for those that didn't snatch up its new smartphone within minutes of its online launch a few weeks back. Anyone that asked to be kept up-to-date with Nexus 4 news has been told that new phone stock will be available starting at 3PM ET (Noon PT) -- for US customers only. We've also heard rumors that customers will be limited to ordering up to two phones each, but at these prices, there's likely to be plenty of online traffic jostling for this 4.7-inch slab.

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Nook app packs new features on iOS and Android, makes UK debut

Nook app now packs VoiceOver support on iOS, fresh Android release tags along

Barnes & Noble's Nook app has reached version 3.3 on iOS and Android, bringing a handful of new features in tow. Headlining the iOS update are screen magnification and support for Apple's VoiceOver feature, which can assist the blind and visually impaired by reading content aloud. The app has also been gussied up for the iPhone 5's additional screen real estate. Both Android and iOS flavors of the application pack language support for French, Italian, German, Spanish and British English -- and indeed they've now cozied up to the Nook's UK storefront following the arrival of the hardware in that land a few days back. If you're fixing to download the spruced up app, Barnes & Noble recommends syncing your library before making the leap.

Continue reading Nook app packs new features on iOS and Android, makes UK debut

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Via: Maccessibility, Daring Fireball

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Successful Reggie Bush Jersey Internet Marketing Strategy For ...

Website marketing is not really an industry which will be Reggie Bush Jersey going away, in the near future. The benefits offered to any company that courts web based business happen to be nicely-confirmed. Yet an excellent internet marketing approach is not difficult to create an entrepreneur can get a lot of advice on the subject without having to spend money. Take a look at a few web marketing tips that simply may possibly really make a difference in your lifetime.

Quit creating your banner ad advertising appear to be you?re just directing awareness of one thing. By planning attractive advertising banners, you can boost the click on thru level and have more visitors to your site. Ad banners that have a trivia issue related to your website?s market

might be effective, as audiences will click on them to find out the best solution in your website.

A vital tip about Website marketing is usually to talk to the patient. This is really important since Reggie Bush Jersey society is currently a ?me? modern society, in this folks feel everything must be custom-made or catered towards them. A technique is usually to give customers the choice to improve the site format or design and style a template with their option.

The best way to create a message advertising collection isn?t by dealing with the cutting corners and ordering databases or production them in a shallow way. The best way to create an e-mail marketing and advertising listing is as simple as figuring out ways you can get individuals to wish to be in your collection because it constantly grows by recommendations and through Reggie Bush Jersey carrying out the identical research.

Website-broad hyperlinks must not be applied. From the latest website marketing algorithm formula alterations they have turn out to be extremely depreciated, and may even cause penalization. There must basically be one particular site-wide website link for every forty to 50 distinctive links. It is best being harmless then sorry together with your backlinks.

Be sure your site content is intriquing, notable and distinctive. Men and women constantly wish to see something they haven?t observed yet, and supplying which is a wonderful way to improve your advertising. Should your target audience is planning on to learn some thing, you need to be Reggie Bush Jersey greater than happy to train. Otherwise, your followers might discover elsewhere.

Go popular with the website. Take steps that individuals would want to show to their buddies. Even some thing as small as a fascinating logo design or even a quirky video can work. If everybody is buzzing about something you?ve carried out, you are able to guess your website trips and world wide web product sales will get.

So that you can appropriately promote your company, you must find out what the competition are accomplishing. One way to keep close track of your competition is always to frequently research and go to their companies. The concept will not be to backup whatever they are doing, but alternatively to discover how these popular enterprises operate and also enhance Reggie Bush Jersey what they?re undertaking.

It might seem like all businesses needs a web marketing strategy. This is useful for elevated exposure along with a wider potential client bottom. Tips like those which are already discussed in this post, will help any business, influence its online marketing initiatives and be part of the large prospective profits available on the internet.

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  1. Recommendations For Reggie Bush Jersey A Vibrant Internet Marketing Strategy
  2. Simple Ways To Reggie Bush Jersey Be successful At Online Marketing
  3. The Way To Reggie Bush Jersey Become successful Worldwide Of Online Marketing
  4. Easy Reggie Bush Jersey Ways Regarding How To Be Successful In Website Marketing
  5. Website Marketing: Recommendations, Techniques, And Techniques Reggie Bush Jersey For Success


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MUNSTER: Here's Why Apple Didn't Release A ... - Business Insider

Business Insider

Gene Munster


Analyst Gene Munster said Apple didn't release a TV set this year because it couldn't get a television screen it was happy with.

At our last IGNITION conference in 2011, Munster predicted Apple would have announced a TV by now, and started selling it at the start of 2013.

That hasn't happened, obviously.

Speaking at our IGNITION conference this year, Munster said he spoke with sources in the Asian supply chain about Apple's television plans. Those sources said that Apple had requested a specific type of screen for a TV, an indium gallium zinc oxide or IGZO screen. Manufacturers were having trouble making that screen for a big-screen TV.

But doesn't Apple need deals with cable and content companies? Munster doesn't think that's a big issue. He thinks it all comes down to solving a hardware problem.

Don't Miss: Apple's Product Road Map For 2013


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'DWTS' Finals: Who Deserves the All-Stars Mirrorball?

After an entire season of fabulous dances, it all came down to the final competition of Dancing with the Stars: All-Stars, where three beautiful women: Shawn JohnsonKelly Monaco and Melissa Rycroft danced their hearts out for a chance to claim the All-Stars mirrorball! 


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Add your comment - Upside Group Franchise Consulting

?If you?ve ever thought about franchising your business, you?ve likely asked the question, ?How successful really is franchising??

Sure, you?ve heard stories of business owners franchising a business and going national. You?ve spoken to friends and family about whether it could be a good decision; a lucrative decision. Maybe you?ve even wondered how prevalent taking that next step is. Is it something every business eventually considers?

And even if it is?does that mean it?s the right move for your business?

At Upside Group, we hear those questions a lot. Franchising a business is a big move and an even bigger opportunity, and it?s important to consider every angle of the decision before making one. And it?s certainly important to have all the facts. So really ? just how pervasive is franchising?

To put it simply, by 2001, there were 767,483 franchise system business establishments which employed almost 10 million people. These establishments had a direct output close to $625 billion, and a payroll of $230 billion.

And not only are they widespread, but these establishments also account for a significant percentage of all establishments throughout a variety of different businesses: 56.3% in quick service restaurants, 18.2% in lodging, 14.2% in retail food, and 13.1% in table/full service restaurants.

Here at Upside Group, we see hundreds of different business plans, different companies, different services, and different industries. And while it?s true that no two are exactly alike, it?s also true that regardless of those differences, finding the right franchise opportunity for each individual business owner could be a move that simply changes everything.

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The New York Times Continues Its Campaign: Breast Cancer ...

November 26, 2012 ????? 0 Comments

Source: WSWS

Breast Cancer Screenings

By Kate Randall:

In an opinion piece in the November 21 edition of the?New York Times, H. Gilbert Welch, M.D., M.P.H., writes that regular mammography screenings to detect breast cancer are ?not all they?re cracked up to be.? The appearance of the column coincided with publication of an?article in the?New England Journal of Medicine?(NEJM) co-authored by Welch and oncologist Archie Bleyer, M.D.

Dr. Welch is a professor of Medicine at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Research, and a regular op-ed contributor to the?Times. His numerous submissions have included columns such as ?Overdiagnosis as a Flaw in Health Care? and ?What?s Making Us Sick Is an Epidemic of Diagnoses,? which contend that Americans are undergoing costly, unnecessary tests and procedures that are doing more harm than good.

His latest column, titled ?Cancer Survivor or Victim of Overdiagnosis?,? argues that American women are being victimized by overzealous breast cancer screenings, leading to overdiagnoses and harmful, unnecessary treatments?all with a ?limited impact on breast cancer mortality.?

As noted on the Dartmouth medical school?s web site, ?Dr. Welch?s research has focused on the problems created by medicine?s efforts to detect disease early: physicians test too often, treat too aggressively and tell too many people that they are sick.? In particular, he has taken aim at what he claims is overutilization of cancer screenings?not only for breast cancer, but for melanoma, thyroid, lung and prostate cancer.

The principal theme of Welch?s November 21?Times?column?and the NEJM article?is that breast cancer screenings in the US over the past three decades have led to an overdiagnosis of early stage breast cancer. He asserts that more than a million women who received such diagnoses ?underwent surgery, chemotherapy or radiation?for a ?cancer? that was never going to make them sick.? His conclusion? Women and their health care providers should question the value of screening for these cancers.

Welch notes that the research published in the NEJM article shows that about 1.5 million additional women received a diagnosis of early stage breast cancer as a result of mammography screenings. But he laments that the research ?found that there were only around 0.1 million fewer women with a diagnosis of late-stage breast cancer.?

A table in the NEJM article shows that, according to the data studied by the authors, an estimated 67,000 fewer women have been diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer as a result of screenings. However, the authors do not consider this reduction in late-stage cancer diagnoses to be statistically significant to support routine mammography screenings.

The?Times?column also refers to three investigations in Europe in the last two years that showed ?mammography has either a limited impact on breast cancer mortality (reducing it by less than 10 percent) or none at all.? Translated roughly to US mortality rates, cancelling out a 10 percent reduction in mortality would mean that an additional 4,000 women would die each year from breast cancer if they did not undergo mammography screenings.

In addition, by Welch?s own admission, ?it?s impossible to know which women? who received an early stage diagnosis of breast cancer and underwent treatment might have contracted an advanced stage of the disease if they had not undergone screenings. Apparently, their health and lives are also not statistically significant.

As with other calls for a halt to ?unnecessary? screenings and treatments?for prostate and cervical cancers, for instance?surgery and chemotherapy carried out after a positive diagnosis, and any resulting negative effects, are equated with the screenings themselves. With any diagnosis, patients should consult with their physicians about the appropriate course of treatment. In the opinion of Welch and the other charlatans railing against cancer screenings, however, ignorance is bliss and women would be better off if they had no knowledge of their early stage cancer.

The NEJM article notes that over the past three decades, among women 40 years or older, ?deaths from breast cancer decreased from 71 to 51 deaths per 100,000 women?a 28 percent decrease. This reduction is probably due to some combination of the effects of screening mammography and better treatment.?

Although the authors write that ?screening mammography might be responsible for as little as 28 percent or as much as 65 percent of the observed reduction in mortality,? they assert that screenings? contribution to this reduction is small, and that most of it is a result of better treatments. Welch writes in the?Times, ?Our therapies for breast cancer are simply better than they were 30 years ago.?

Welch maintains rather that the overdiagnosed victims of breast cancer screenings are being inflicted with ?some pretty serious harm,? although neither he nor the NEJM article specifically explains the disabilities, suffering and mortality rates associated with what Welch refers to as ?pre-emptive mammography.? (As an aside, isn?t ?pre-emptive? diagnosis of a potentially fatal disease precisely the point?)

He goes on to disparage women whose lives may have been saved through regular screenings. ?The truth is,? he writes, ?those survivors are much more likely to have been victims of overdiagnosis.? If Welch admits that it is impossible to tell who might live without receiving this ?unnecessary? early treatment, isn?t the fact that these women are alive an argument for regular screenings?

The appearance of Welch?s op-ed piece in the?Times?and the newspaper?s implied agreement that routine breast cancer screenings cause harm are in line with the?Times??years-long campaign contending that people in the US are receiving too many screenings, treatments and procedures, and that major cuts can be made in health care costs without negatively affecting patient care.

Such cynical arguments formed the basis of the?Times? support for the Obama administration?s health care overhaul, which was signed into law in March 2010. In reality, the Affordable Care Act has nothing in common with providing improved health care for working people.

In the aftermath of the 2012 elections, such crude arguments based on shoddy science?questioning the value of breast cancer screenings and other vital medical tests and procedures?are aimed at supporting even deeper cost-cutting measures for the government and corporations at the expense of the health and lives of ordinary Americans.

By admin


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Catalonia vote is new test for struggling Spain

Lluis Gene / AFP - Getty Images

Current President of Catalonia and leader of the CiU (Catalan Convergence and Unity) party Artur Mas casts his ballot for regional elections in Barcelona on Sunday.

By Reuters

BARCELONA, Spain - Voters in Spain's Catalonia region began voting Sunday in an election whose outcome is likely to test Spanish unity at a time of deep economic crisis.?

Opinion polls show two-thirds of voters in this region on the French border will cast ballots for parties, both rightist and leftist, that want Catalan independence from Spain.

Catalan President Artur Mas will likely win re-election since his conservative Convergence and Union party is forecast to take a majority, some 62 to 64 seats, in the 135-seat regional assembly, or Parliament.

Frustration over high unemployment and a deep recession have fueled a separatist resurgence in Catalonia, where polls show that for the first time more than half of the people want to break away from Spain.

Many Catalans believe their economy would be more prosperous on its own, complaining that a high portion of their taxes go to the central government in Madrid.

Mas, who adopted the independence cause in September after a massive street demonstration, campaigned on a promise to hold a referendum on secession.

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If he carries through with the pledge, it will put him on a collision course with Madrid, where Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy will use the constitution to block a referendum.?

"Catalonia has never faced elections this important," Mas said at a campaign rally this week. He told supporters he wanted to be the last president of Catalonia within Spain.

Emilio Morenatti / AP

Supporters of center-right Catalan Nationalist Coalition (CiU) leader, Artur Mas, wave their pro-independence "estelada" flags during the last day of campaigning in a meeting in Barcelona, Spain, Friday.

A strong mandate for Mas and other Catalan independence leaders from the left will undermine Rajoy's mission to persuade investors of Spain's fiscal and political stability.

Spain's deep recession and high public deficit have put it at the heart of the euro zone debt crisis and the government's borrowing costs are painfully high.

Alicia Sanchez-Camacho, the candidate for Rajoy's People's Party in Catalonia has campaigned on a message that leaving Spain and the European Union would lead to economic disaster. The PP is vying to be the second biggest party in the Catalan Parliament with opinion polls forecasting it will win 17 seats.

"Don't stay at home (on election day) if you don't want them to kick us out of Spain and out of Europe," she said at a campaign rally this week.

Polls were due to close at 8 p.m. local time (2 p.m. ET) Sunday.

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Will US role at climate talks change after storm?

DOHA, Qatar (AP) ? During a year with a monster storm and scorching heat waves, Americans have experienced the kind of freakish weather that many scientists say will occur more often on a warming planet.

And as a re-elected president talks about global warming again, climate activists are cautiously optimistic that the U.S. will be more than a disinterested bystander when the U.N. climate talks resume Monday with a two-week conference in Qatar.

"I think there will be expectations from countries to hear a new voice from the United States," said Jennifer Morgan, director of the climate and energy program at the World Resources Institute in Washington.

The climate officials and environment ministers meeting in the Qatari capital of Doha will not come up with an answer to the global temperature rise that is already melting Arctic sea ice and permafrost, raising and acidifying the seas, and shifting rainfall patterns, which has an impact on floods and droughts.

They will focus on side issues, like extending the Kyoto protocol ? an expiring emissions pact with a dwindling number of members ? and ramping up climate financing for poor nations.

They will also try to structure the talks for a new global climate deal that is supposed to be adopted in 2015, a process in which American leadership is considered crucial.

Many were disappointed that Obama didn't put more emphasis on climate change during his first term. He took some steps to rein in emissions of heat-trapping gases, such as sharply increasing fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks. But a climate bill that would have capped U.S. emissions stalled in the Senate.

"We need the U.S. to engage even more," European Union Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard told The Associated Press. "Because that can change the dynamic of the talks."

The world tried to move forward without the U.S. after the Bush Administration abandoned the Kyoto Protocol, a 1997 pact limiting greenhouse emissions from industrialized nations. As that agreement expires this year, the climate curves are still pointing in the wrong direction.

The concentration of heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide has jumped 20 percent since 2000, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil, according to a U.N. report released this week. And each year, the gap between what researchers say must be done to reverse this trend, and what's actually being done, gets wider.

Bridging that gap, through clean technology and renewable energy, is not just up to the U.S., but to countries like India and China, whose carbon emissions are growing the fastest as their economies expand.

But Obama raised hopes of a more robust U.S. role in the talks when he called for a national "conversation" on climate change after winning re-election. The issue had been virtually absent in the presidential campaigning until Hurricane Sandy slammed into the East Coast.

The president still faces domestic political constraints, and there's little hope of the U.S. increasing its voluntary pledge in the U.N. talks of cutting emissions by 17 percent by 2020, compared to 2005 levels.

Still, just a signal that Washington has faith in the international process would go a long way, analysts said.

"The perception of many negotiators and countries is that the U.S. is not really interested in increasing action on climate change in general," said Bill Hare, senior scientist at Climate Analytics, a non-profit organization based in Berlin.

For example, Hare said, the U.S. could stop "talking down" the stated goal of the U.N. talks to keep the temperature rise below 2 degrees C (3.6 F) compared to pre-industrial levels.

Todd Stern, the U.S. special envoy on climate change, caused alarm among climate activists in August when he said that "insisting on a structure that would guarantee such a goal will only lead to deadlock." He later clarified that the U.S. still supports the 2-degree target, but favors a more flexible way to reach it than dividing up carbon rights to the atmosphere.

Countries adopted the 2-degree target in 2009, reasoning that a warming world is a dangerous world, with flooding of coastal cities and island nations, disruptions to agriculture and drinking water, and the spread of diseases and the extinction of species.

A recent World Bank report found the world is on track toward 4 degrees C (6.2 F) of warming, which would entail "extreme heat-waves, declining global food stocks, loss of ecosystems and biodiversity, and life-threatening sea level rise."

The U.S., alone among industrialized countries, didn't ratify the Kyoto Protocol because it found it unfair that China and other emerging economies, as developing countries, were not covered by any binding emissions targets. The U.S. and other rich countries say that firewall must be removed as the talks enter a new phase aimed at adopting a new climate treaty by 2015 that applies to all countries.

China ? now the world's top carbon emitter ? wants to keep a clear dividing line between developed and developing countries, noting that historically, the former bear the brunt of the responsibility for man-made climate change.

The issue is unlikely to be resolved in Doha, where talks will focus on extending Kyoto as a stopgap measure while negotiators work on the wider deal, which would take effect in 2020.

The 27-nation EU, Switzerland, Norway and Australia are on board but New Zealand, Canada and Japan don't want to be part of a second commitment period of Kyoto. That means the extended treaty would cover only about 15 percent of global emissions.

Delegates in Doha will also try to finalize the rules of the Green Climate Fund, which is supposed to raise $100 billion a year by 2020. Financed by richer nations, the fund would support poorer nations in converting to cleaner energy sources and in adapting to a shifting climate that may damage people's health, agriculture and economies in general.

In addition, countries need to agree on a work plan to guide the negotiations on a new treaty. Without a timeframe with clear mileposts, there's a risk of a repeat in 2015 of the hyped-up but ultimately disappointing climate summit in Copenhagen in 2009.

Judging by previous conferences, the negotiations in Doha will ebb and flow, with progress one day being replaced by bitter discord the next. And in the end, after an all-night session, bleary-eyed delegates will emerge with some kind of face-saving "accord" or "action plan" that keeps the talks alive another year, but does little to address the core problem.

"It shows that leaders and also the public in these countries ? the U.S. certainly is one of them ? don't yet understand the full implications of the costs associated with the path that we're on," said Alden Meyer, of the U.S.-based Union of Concerned Scientists.


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No Powerball winner; jackpot goes to record $425M

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) ? Lottery officials say nobody has won the Powerball jackpot and the top prize will now increase to about $425 million for the next drawing, the largest jackpot ever for the game.

Iowa Lottery spokeswoman Mary Neubauer said sales were strong over the holiday week for Saturday's drawing, which was estimated at $325 million before the numbers were picked. That was the fourth-largest jackpot in the game's history.

Neubauer says the jackpot for Wednesday's drawing could go even higher than the estimated $425 million because sales pick up in the days before record drawings.

The previous top Powerball prize was $365 million, won in 2006 by ConAgra Foods Workers in Lincoln, Neb.

The Powerball numbers for Saturday were 22-32-37-44-50, and the Powerball was 34.


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Vani Hari, the food writer behind the wildly successful blog, Food Babe, was lucky when she graduated from college: She landed a great job right away. That?s a golden ticket for any recent graduate who has hit the job market during the worst economic slump in decades, but Hari?s luck was even better than most. Her job catered all her meals. She'd hit the jackpot. That is, she says, until she gained almost 30 pounds on her small frame in just a few months.


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Hardaway scores 23, No. 4 Michigan beats K-State

NEW YORK (AP) ? Tim Hardaway Jr. scored 23 points before he left late in the game after he was kneed in the head, and No. 4 Michigan beat Kansas State 71-57 on Friday night to win the NIT Season Tipoff.

Glenn Robinson III had 12 rebounds, and Trey Burke and Jon Horford had 10 points each for the Wolverines. Hardaway made 10 of 15 shots from the field before he was hurt with about four minutes left. He returned to the bench in time to celebrate with the rest of his team.

Rodney McGruder scored 16 points and had seven rebounds, and Angel Rodriguez scored 10 points for Kansas State (5-1).

Michigan (5-0) won the tournament, previously known as the Preseason NIT, for the first time. It was the Wolverines' first title in a significant preseason tournament since the 1997-98 season, when they beat Syracuse to capture the Puerto Rico Holiday Classic.

Michigan will get another test on Tuesday when it faces No. 16 North Carolina State in the Big Ten-ACC challenge on Tuesday.

The Wolverines struggled at the end of the first half against Kansas State while Trey Burke and Jordan Morgan sat on the bench in foul trouble. But Hardaway took over early in the second half.

He made four baskets in the first eight minutes as Michigan got out to a 49-30 lead. At one point, he showcased a crossover of the sort that made his father famous, juking Kansas State's Will Spradling to give himself a wide open shot that he knocked down to wild cheering just as the crowd at Madison Square Garden finished gasping at the move.

That basket made it 43-27, and Michigan kept up the pressure, taking a 21-point lead with a little over 10 minutes to play.

From there, it was mostly a formality.

In its semifinal, Kansas State overcame a pesky Delaware team that should contend in the Colonial Athletic Association, but Michigan was several notches above the Blue Hens and the Wildcats didn't have much of an answer. They got off to a slow start in each half, and spent most of their effort trying to chip away at Michigan's lead.

Michigan had a 10-point advantage midway through the first half, but gave some of it back after Morgan and Burke each got two fouls. The Wildcats were outshot 48 percent to 29 percent in the half, but only trailed by five at 29-24.

The Wildcats should be favored in their next four games before they face No. 7 Florida on Dec. 22. They open the Big 12 season Jan. 5 against Oklahoma State.

Michigan's road isn't as easy ? the Wolfpack come to Ann Arbor on Tuesday, and Michigan returns to New York on Dec. 15 for a game against West Virginia at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

Michigan fans started a chant of "Beat Ohio!" during an extended timeout with 3:37 to play and Michigan up 66-47. Michigan plays archrival Ohio State ? or "Ohio," according to Wolverines football coach Brady Hoke ? on Saturday at Ohio Stadium. At the end they did it again, standing and cheering as the Wolverines dribbled out the clock.


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