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As the legend goes, 18th century villagers put a witch to death in the woods near a swampy pond and Colonial-era cemetery off Aquia Creek. Her name, it?s said, was Edith, and her body was tossed into the water.
Ever since, the story goes, the pond water turns blood red in the spring. Trespassing thrill-seekers say they?ve seen the figure of a woman hovering just above the water, or along the nearby foot path. Sometimes, she?s seen standing by the altar ? wrongly called a sacrifice table by some ? in the graveyard nearby.
In the inky dark, many say they?ve heard splashing noises from the pond, like large stones ? or bodies ? being dropped into the water. There are also reports of shrieks in the night that seem to get closer and closer.
Then there are tales of the crazy caretaker, who runs folks off with his shotgun, and to frighten folks away impales small animals on the spiked fence that surrounds the old cemetery.
To local residents, the swamp and cemetery hidden in the woods behind the Crucifix Monument along U.S. 1 in Stafford County is known as ?Witches Pond.? It?s hard to say where some of the legends come from, but at least one truth about Witches Pond is even more sinister than the lore.
A skeleton covered by leaves
The Brent Family Cemetery behind the pond ? just off U.S. 1 along Telegraph Road in Widewater ? is the resting place for members of the first English Roman Catholic settlement in the New World. The oldest grave there dates to 1681.
In recent years, the area has been associated with curious trespassers, vandals and those dabbling in devil worship.
Manassas attorney Claude Compton owns the pond and 75 acres of woods surrounding it. He says he won?t acknowledge the moniker ?Witches Pond,? but admits trespassers are a thorn in his side.
?We get a lot of people fishing, and Halloween trespassers have been a problem,? he said.
For one woman, a trip to Witches Pond was the last thing she ever did.
The cemetery?s self-appointed caretaker, a Widewater native named Russell Lewis, was hunting about 400 feet from the pond on Nov. 7, 1998, when he came across a skeleton. The bones, covered by fall leaves, belonged to a woman. She was estimated to be between 28 and 45 years old, with brown hair in braids.
She wore a Redskins shirt, shorts, dark pantyhose and blue jeans.
Her shoes were size 8 1/2, canvas platforms with buckles. Near or with the remains, detectives found a yellow metal earring shaped like a leaf, dark brown oval-shaped sunglasses, a small plastic teddy bear trinket, a gold ring with black stones and a black onyx ring with a design in the shape of a pentagram.
The medical examiner?s office could not determine how she died, but forensic scientists said she?d been in the woods for at least a year. Who she was and what happened to her remain a mystery.
?Her clothes had not been removed, there was nothing remarkable about the skeletal remains,? said Capt. William Bowler of the Stafford County Sheriff?s Office. ?She was found almost 400 feet from the pond, near the road that goes back to the cemetery.?
Despite exhaustive efforts to identify her, from running her information through the National Criminal Incident Database to tracking down dozens of missing persons report along the East Coast, detectives were never able to find out her name. Investigators even had a recreation of her face made in clay, but it turned up no clues.
Her DNA is on file, along with her remains, at the state medical examiner?s office.
?You would think someone, somewhere misses her,? Bowler said.
For months, the unidentified woman?s body lay in the woods, unseen by those looking for a scare at Witches Pond, her grave of leaves as silent as those long-buried under the ground at Brent Cemetery.
Pioneers in a New World
Five generations of the Brent family are buried in the old graveyard behind the pond. The cemetery, surrounded by a brick enclosure and spike-topped fence, is owned by St. William of York Catholic Church, which traces its roots to 1647. It was then that Sir Giles Brent, an English Catholic nobleman, moved from Baltimore to the Virginia wilderness to escape religious intolerance. Giles Brent settled with his Piscataway wife near the mouth of Aquia Creek, and was soon joined by his sisters, according to the Stafford Historical Society. One of those sisters, Margaret Brent, was a landowner and attorney who has been called North America?s first feminist.
Over the next four decades, the Brent family was granted 30,000 acres by King James II, and a patent that ?included a royal mandate assuring the Brents and later inhabitants of Virginia free exercise of their religion,? according to a history of the church.
Known first as Brenton and later Aquia, the Catholic pioneers thrived for more than a century ? building their ranks to more than 200 ? before disappearing from mention in local history. Then, in 1897, the lost community of Aquia was rediscovered, along with the cemetery.
Among the tombstones was an old stone tablet paying tribute to Spanish Jesuits massacred by Native Americans near Williamsburg in 1571. One of those killed was said to be a member of the Brent family.
In the 1930s, the Catholic Archdiocese of Richmond had the stone-and-brick altar built at the cemetery in memory of the Brent family.
?That the memory of the brave Catholic pioneers of Aquia might be preserved, this altar of sacrifice has been erected by his fellow priests of the Diocese of Richmond, Oct. 29, 1933."
Three years earlier, artist Georg J. Lober created the Aquia Crucifix Monument to commemorate the first English Roman Catholic settlement in Virginia.
Every October, the parish of St. William of York holds a public mass at the Brent Family Cemetery.
Frightening, but true?
The history goes back centuries, but where the legend of Witches Pond began is anyone?s guess. There?s very little verifiable truth to the long-told stories.
There are no records of a witch ever being tried and put to death in the colony of Aquia. But witchcraft was a pervasive fear in Colonial America, and Virginia ? like Salem, Mass. ? had its share of witch trials. Accused witches were often dunked in water to see if they floated. If they did, they were condemned.
There?s also no evidence that the pond ever turns the color of blood, though fish kills in Aquia Creek are not uncommon and turn the water red or brown.
There are eerie stories, lots of them, posted on online ghost and haunting sites by visitors to Witches Pond, and many report similar experiences: Screaming and shrieking in the woods, being rushed by a shadowy figure, a woman hovering above the ground and the pond, strange lights, loud splashes in the water.
?When we got down to the graveyard, we looked around and tried to figure a way in,? one person wrote on Shadowlands.com. ?We heard a loud shriek off in the far distance, and we kept hearing it, each time closer. Something came charging in through the woods. We could hear the leaves and sticks rustling, but no footsteps."
On strangeusa.com, a poster reported seeing a figure hovering over the pond.
?Then we heard what we believed to be a woman screaming and the figure was gone. As we were leaving we heard the screams again and saw the figure again, but it was closer. It stopped in the center of the trail. It was like a foot off the ground,? the person wrote.
Another poster on strangeusa said he saw a black figure in the distance as he and his friends stood near the altar. "A few minutes later we heard a weird shrieking sound that wasn?t very loud but it definitely came from the same spot we saw the black figure."
Yet another poster on Shadowlands summed up his experience at Witches Pond with this: ?It is the coolest looking place I have ever been, it was like something straight from a Nightmare on Elm Street movie. It's unbelievable, but I will never return to that place again. I feel as if I brought something out with me."
InsideNoVa editor Kari Pugh can be reached at 703-530-3901.
Source: http://www2.insidenova.com/news/2012/oct/27/witches-pond-legend-and-truth-ar-2316855/
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The Motorola RAZR M -- or, the full screen smartphone as it's often referred to -- is to receive a Japanese launch on carrier Softbank. Due to land on October 26, the RAZR M will take advantage of Softbank's 4G LTE services. Additionally, the first 10000 people to purchase the device will receive a Motorola P4000 Universal Portable Power Pack.
Anyone wanting to try one out before purchasing should head to Shibuya 109 special event space in Tokyo, on October 27, 28 and November 3, 4. Or, be sure to check out our full review of the Verizon RAZR M. Full press release can be found after the break.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/SCgCmKGE_7k/story01.htm
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ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) ? In a painless clinical procedure performed on a patient with electrodes temporarily implanted in his brain, Stanford University doctors pinpointed two nerve clusters that are critical for face perception. The findings could have practical value in treating people with prosopagnosia -- the inability to distinguish one face from another -- as well in gaining an understanding of why some of us are so much better than others at recognizing and remembering faces.
In a study published Oct. 24 in the Journal of Neuroscience, the scientists showed that mild electrical stimulation of two nerve clusters spaced a half-inch apart in a brain structure called the fusiform gyrus caused the subject's perception of faces to instantly become distorted while leaving his perception of other body parts and inanimate objects unchanged.
The surprised reaction of the subject, Ron Blackwell of Santa Clara, Calif., is captured in a video made during the procedure. "You just turned into somebody else. Your face metamorphosed," he tells the researcher in the video.
The video is publicly available and can be accessed at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ertqru7vminq9el/6kWSKn3X5o#f:Video-LowRes.m4v.
Blackwell, who is now 47, was undergoing medical treatment under the direction of Josef Parvizi, MD, PhD, associate professor of neurology and neurological sciences at the School of Medicine, whose lab collaborates with that of Kalanit Grill-Spector, PhD, associate professor of psychology at the School of Humanities and Sciences.
The face Blackwell was looking at was Parvizi's. "Ron didn't see my face vaporize or go blank. Instead, it just seemed to warp before his eyes," Parvizi said.
In 2010, Grill-Spector and then-graduate student Kevin Weiner (now a postdoctoral researcher in Grill-Spector's lab and a co-author of the new study) discovered that the fusiform gyrus contains two nerve clusters (designated as pFus and mFus) that respond more strongly to faces than to hands, legs, cars, guitars, flowers or buildings.
Grill-Spector's lab has been studying the fusiform gyrus' role in face recognition as well as in prosopagnosia or "face blindness," a condition made famous by neurologist and author Oliver Sacks, MD, who himself suffers from it. People with prosopagnosia simply cannot distinguish one face from another, although all other aspects of their vision and visual-information processing are normal. Some people, like Sacks, are born with the condition while others acquire it as a result of an injury to the fusiform gyrus, Grill-Spector said.
"We can learn a lot about the function of different brain regions by studying these disorders and relating them to the anatomical sites where brain damage has occurred," she said. "But the injuries vary a great deal from one affected person to the next, and they are typically not confined to the fusiform gyrus. This limits our ability to localize a particular deficit to a particular brain site."
Blackwell's arrival at Stanford Hospital & Clinics, along with a generous slice of serendipity, allowed the Stanford doctors to conduct the first-ever study of the fusiform gyrus combining two imaging techniques (fMRI and electrocorticography, or intracranial recording) and electrical brain stimulation. The result was the first-ever proof that appropriate activity in the two nerve clusters, pFus and mFus, was critical to face recognition.
Blackwell had time on his hands. He was spending a week in a bed at Stanford Hospital with a packet of electrodes snugly abutting a part of his brain that doctors believed might be the initiating site, or focus, of his epileptic seizures. These seizures, which he'd been experiencing since age 11, had been well-controlled by drugs. But by late 2010, his medication was failing.
Blackwell was married and the father of two young girls. "It wasn't just me anymore. I didn't want to be vulnerable to disorienting episodes that could occur at any time of the day or night," he said. Referred by his primary physician to Parvizi, he learned of a medical procedure that might provide relief.
Epileptic seizures are, at root, electrical storms triggered when a short circuit at one small spot within the brain, called the focus, causes waves of electrical activity to spread throughout the organ. (The exact location varies from patient to patient.) Most of the time seizures can be controlled with medication. When they can't, one proven treatment involves a surgical procedure in which a portion of the patient's skull is temporarily removed, allowing access to the surface of the brain near the spot thought to be responsible for initiating the seizures. A packet containing numerous electrode leads is placed near the brain's surface, with each electrode acting like a separate stethoscope monitoring the collective electrical activity of perhaps a half-million nerve cells. (That's a drop in the bucket, considering that a healthy human brain contains 200 billion of them.) The patient remains off medication for several days, eventually culminating in the onset of seizure activity and allowing the neurological team to identify the focus. Surgeons may then be able to excise just enough brain tissue to halt the cycle of self-propagating electrical activity -- in effect, pulling out a fuse in order to break the short circuit -- without affecting any important brain functions.
In September 2011, Blackwell was set to undergo the weeklong monitoring procedure. Based on a thorough neurological workup, electrodes were placed on the surface of a brain region that included the fusiform gyrus, a structure roughly the shape of a hand-rolled cigarette, on the underside of the temporal lobe.
Electrical brain stimulation requires the flow of electricity from one electrode across a small patch of brain tissue to another electrode spaced 1 cm away. It so happens that pFus and mFus, which account for perhaps one-quarter of the fusiform gyrus' bulk, are also 1 cm apart. By fate, two of the inserted electrodes had been positioned almost precisely above the anatomical centers of pFus and mFus in Blackwell's fusiform gyrus, forming a pair that enabled Parvizi to apply the stimulation directly to the two sites simultaneously at the touch of a button.
Doing so instantly altered Blackwell's perception of Parvizi's face. "You almost look like somebody I've seen before, but somebody different," he reported. ." .. You were someone else. Your whole face just sort of metamorphosed ... it's almost like the shape of your facial features drooped."
When the stimulation was halted, the distorted image of Parvizi's face immediately reverted to the normal one, Blackwell reported. Neither sham stimulation, in which a button was pushed but no actual electrical impulse was delivered to pFus and mFus, nor stimulation of nearby sites via other electrode pairs had any effect on Blackwell's face perception. Stimulating pFus and mFus caused no distortion of other objects in the room, he reported.
Throughout this procedure's duration, Parvizi didn't know what to expect. "I was as surprised as the patient was when he suddenly saw my features seem to melt," Parvizi said.
In a follow-on imaging study of Blackwell's brain using a high-resolution fMRI technique that could discriminate among locations as little as 1.8 mm apart, Grill-Spector and her students confirmed Parvizi's findings. Blackwell's pFus and mFus clusters responded with heightened activity to images of faces, but not to those of hands, feet, flowers, cars, guitars, cars or houses.
The Stanford team of neurologists succeeded in locating the focus of Blackwell's seizures, but decided that removing it would be risky because it was too close to other key parts of the brain. But oddly, since the removal of the electrodes, his medication seems to be working again and his seizures have inexplicably abated to a significant extent, for which he thanks God, he said in a recent interview.
The study was funded by the Stanford's Bio-X Neuroventures Program and the National Institutes of Health. Additional co-authors were postdoctoral researchers Corentin Jacques, PhD, Brett Foster, PhD, and Nathan Withoft, PhD; and research assistant Vinitha Rangarajan.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stanford University Medical Center. The original article was written by Bruce Goldman.
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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/Vbz7-bthHHY/121023172113.htm
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Stan Humphries
October 22nd, 2012
Zillow?s third quarter Real Estate Market Reports, released today, show home values increased 1.3% from the second to the third quarter of 2012 to $153,800 (Figure 1). On an annual basis, the Zillow Home Value Index (ZHVI) rose 3.2% from September 2011 levels (Figure 2), adding to mounting evidence that the national housing market is experiencing a durable recovery. September also marks the eleventh consecutive month of home value appreciation, with this month showing 0.8 percent growth. While the national housing market is showing consistent signs of improvement, the recovery is uneven across the country. Some markets, such as Phoenix, Riverside and Miami are doing exceptionally well, while St. Louis and Atlanta are still faltering. Part of the strong home value appreciation we are seeing is driven by acute inventory shortages in many markets with foreclosures and foreclosure re-sales down and many people still locked up in negative equity, limiting overall supply.
According to the Zillow Home Value Forecast, we expect national home values to increase 1.7% over the next year (September 2012 to September 2013). Of the 253 markets covered by the Zillow Home Value Forecast (ZHVF), 181 markets are expected to see increases in home values over the next year, with the largest increases expected in the Phoenix metro (8.5%) and the Bakersfield metro (7.7%). Many California markets follow closely at the top of the list of markets expected to see the highest home value appreciation over the next year. According to the ZHVF, 183 markets (72%) have already hit a bottom in home values, and another 41 are expected to hit a bottom by September 2013. Among the markets expected to see a bottom within the next year are St. Louis (MO), Cleveland (OH), and Jacksonville (FL). The receding unemployment rate and continually low mortgage rates continue to translate into greater consumer confidence, higher household formation rates, and increased home sales. The increased housing demand, in turn, is stabilizing home values and spurring home builders to increase new housing starts (which have increased 34.8% from year-ago levels).
Home Values
The Zillow Real Estate Market Reports cover 366 metropolitan areas (metros) of which 168 showed quarterly home value appreciation. Seven metros remained flat, while 191 metros show home values losses. Half of the metros covered by the Real Estate Market Reports posted annual increases in home values. Among the largest metros, Phoenix showed the largest annual increase with home values rising 20.4% from the third quarter of 2011 to the third quarter of 2012.
Overall, national home values are back to April 2004 levels, down 20.6% since their peak in April 2007. From their peak in April 2007, home values fell 23.3% to the trough in home values in October 2011, and are now 3.5% above the trough level. An interactive chart of all metro regions can be found at the bottom of this report.
The Zillow Rent Index (ZRI) covers 310 metropolitan areas and 67% of those metros reported annual increases in rents in September. As a point of comparison, 50% of the metro areas covered by the ZHVI experienced annual home value increases. Nationally, rents increased 6% in September from year-ago levels and rent growth continues to be robust, fueled by the entry of foreclosed households into the rental market and increasing household formation itself (newly formed households often choosing to rent before buying). Markets that saw extremely strong year-over-year rent increases include Baltimore (10.7%), Chicago (10.7%), Philadelphia (8.2%), and San Francisco (8.0%).
The rate of homes foreclosed continued to decline in September with 5.7 out of every 10,000 homes in the country being liquidated. This is the lowest foreclosure pace we?ve seen since December 2007 when 5.5 out of every 10,000 homes were being liquidated. Nationally, foreclosure re-sales remain low, making up 13.4% of all sales in September, up from 13.3% in August, but well off of the high-water mark of almost 20% in March 2009 (Figure 4). The lack of foreclosure re-sales in many markets is contributing to home value appreciation, as investors are buying up the distressed and non-distressed inventory, especially on the lower end of the housing market squeezing out many buyers.
While the housing recovery has been hyper-local, we are now seeing a more bipolar market. Markets where we have seen inventory shortages and that have been extremely affordable due to steep declines in home values are seeing strong appreciation and are also forecasted to continue appreciating over the next year. However, there are other markets such as St. Louis and Atlanta, which are still experiencing home value declines and have so far not hit a bottom in home values. Going forward we do believe that unemployment, despite it having receded, and negative equity, which still remains high at more than 30% of mortgaged homeowners underwater, will remain risk factors. Nationally, we believe that the first part of the recovery will be relatively long and flat with home values oscillating up and down month-by-month.
In terms of supply, we will continue to see tight inventory in some markets, although this situation will normalize a bit next year as more sellers will enter the market (some freed from negative equity by home value appreciation) and more REOs will be released by banks. On the demand side, consumers are getting off the fence and investors remain very active in markets, like California, Phoenix and Florida (and, increasingly, Atlanta). Overall, half of the metros Zillow covers are seeing positive annual growth and this trend will continue going forward. The markets that have not reached a bottom will see home value depreciation slow over time until they too finally reach a bottom, almost all of which will do so within the next twelve months.
Further analysis can be downloaded here.
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Washington (CNN) - In the critical battleground state of Florida, the state's Department of Law Enforcement and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service tell CNN they have opened a preliminary investigation into a slew of bogus letters to some voters questioning their citizenship and registration just two weeks before the November election.
Written on fake letterhead of a local county's Supervisor of Elections, the letters say that the county "has received information from the Florida Division of Elections regarding your citizenship status, bringing into question your eligibility as a registered voter."
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The letters bear no return address but do carry a postmark from Seattle, Washington.
People in 23 counties had already received such letters and officials expect "the number to go up," Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner told CNN.
Detzner, a Republican, said he had referred the issue to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. That agency said late Tuesday they had opened an investigation into the matter.
"We are very serious about this matter," Detzner said. "This type of effort to intimidate voters in Florida is unacceptable, will not be tolerated and we anticipate taking every measure possible with law enforcement to make sure the individuals doing this are prosecuted."
The letters tell recipients to complete a "Voter Eligibility Form" included in the mailing and to return it to the Supervisor of Elections office within 15 days.
The form requests social security information, Florida drivers license numbers, addresses and other information.
The letters tell recipients that failure to submit the form will result in removal of their names from voter registration rolls, and that they will no longer be eligible to vote. None of it is true. There's also a warning that non-registered voters who cast votes may be subject to arrest and imprisonment.
Ion Sancho, Leon County's supervisor of elections, where three of the letters were sent under his name, said the letters could be "some kind of dark-humored spoof, which of course is not very funny."
Sancho immediately turned all of the letters he received over to a federal prosecutor's office in Florida, he said. All of the letters he is aware of were targeting Republican voters.
"Not only Republicans but very active Republicans - Republicans that have taken some action that goes beyond voting," Sancho said. "I suspect whoever's sending out these letters has purchased some kind of donor or campaign list that's given them a group of high-profile Republicans."
Several other county election supervisors said they believed that Republican voters were the primary targets. But Detzner said members of both parties had received the letters, as well as at least one voter who did not have a party affiliation.
One voter who received the mailing told CNN that he was a registered Republican and a conservative. He said he was not overly active in politics and had only contributed to one campaign recently: Republican Florida Governor Rick Scott. The voter, in his 50s, said he saw the letter as an attempt to keep him from voting on Election Day.
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Smartphones have made juggling multiple single-purpose gadgets a thing of the past for many, but the blind and visually impaired often use a raft of devices built with eyes-free use in mind. Qualcomm and Project Ray, however, are aiming to consolidate phone calls, text messaging with voice read-out, navigation, object recognition, audio book reading and more for the visually impaired in a system built on an off-the-shelf Android phone. To navigate the smartphone, users leverage a handful of simple finger movements that can be started at any point on the handset's touch screen. Voice prompts and vibration provide feedback to users, and the UI adapts to usage patterns and preferences. Currently, Ray devices have access to Israel's Central Library for the Blind and are being tested by 100 folks in the country. For the full lowdown, head past the break for the press release.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile
Qualcomm develops eyes-free smartphone for the blind and visually impaired, calls it Ray originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 23 Oct 2012 03:40:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Hundreds of Texas school districts began making their case for increased funding at the start of the long-awaited trial on the state?s school finance system Monday. Attorneys for the four main plaintiff groups made their opening statements before state District Judge John Dietz, who is scheduled to listen to at least six weeks of testimony before he issues a ruling in the case early next year. Dietz has said he hopes to have his decision out so it can be reviewed by the Legislature in its 2013 session, although most experts predict the case will be appealed by the losing party to the Texas Supreme Court.
The opening arguments focused on the unprecedented funding cuts for schools imposed by the Legislature last year to help balance the state budget. At the same time the state was slashing funding for the public schools, the Legislature also installed a new student testing program ? the STAAR ? that is far more difficult than what it replaced, the TAKS. ?The bar has been raised, yet the hands of school administrators have been tied behind their backs,? said Austin lawyer Rick Gray, who is representing more than 400 low and medium-wealth school districts who sued the state. ?Rich districts can?t get the job done any more than the poor districts I represent,? he said.
Houston lawyer David Thompson, who is representing Dallas, Fort Worth and dozens of other urban and suburban districts, said the state has cut funding about $500 per student at a time when 60 percent of the state enrollment is considered economically disadvantaged and more expensive to educate. Thompson noted that two of three low-income students failed one or more of the new high school end-of-course tests and 90 percent of those students were found to be off track on the path to graduation. He argued that it is unconstitutional for the Legislature to set new goals and then fail to provide the funds to achieve those goals. ?Our broken funding system simply does not meet the high expectations and clear duties of the Texas Constitution,? he said.
Source: http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/2012/10/texas-school-finance-trial-begins-in-austin.html/
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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ellen-degeneres-receive-top-humor-prize-dc-061631514.html
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Sometimes, you have a light-bulb moment and get hit with a great new business idea. Do not get into business without researching the market first and planning your marketing strategy in details. Use the tips and advice offered below to ensure that you are prepared for that moment.
Creating your own niche is critical to your success at Internet marketing; you won?t find long-term success by emulating your competition. Search engine filters are becoming ever more proficient at locating redundant content. Plagiarized content may help you one day and hurt you the next. Unique content is not only required, it will also give your articles more page views which in turn will make you more successful.
Give a lot of choices to people when they check-out. A customer can add another product for a discount as a thank you. This is excellent for getting rid of excess inventory and also to help boost sales, while letting your customers feel appreciated.
If you have information you?re giving away for free, take advantage of the online services that market such information. For example, if you write a free e-zine, submit it to different e-zine directories. Do not forget about online encyclopedias, site directories, guides and sites such as Google Places where you can list your business.
Try including a survey or poll to measure how a reader feel about content on your site. Polls provide an easy way to keep your content fresh, while giving customers an opportunity to let their voices be heard.
Address any complaints personally. You should strive to handle all customer complaints yourself as this way you know when they have been resolved. If you have a complaint, be sure you personally address their concern, and work with them.
Internet marketing is not just exclusively on the internet. For instance, you may want to host in-person gatherings or conferences for bloggers with whom you regularly interact. Knowing your market cannot be underestimated, so use your blog and the online community to get to know the other players and customers that are out there.
Have sections or a large hub for your products so that visitors can easily find them. You should look to have a structured page that offers a good variety of products and services.
Before you focus on building your web business, you first need to focus on the particular niche you?ll be catering to. A fan of Star Wars memorabilia will have little interest in buying classic baseball cards. People have specific interests, and if they are looking for baseball cards, there a limited number of places they are likely to look. Knowing who is interested in the product you are selling and spending your effort on attracting them to your business is the smart thing to do.
Offer something free with your business name and logo on it. For example, if you have written an e-book and want to offer that, submit it to a site that promotes them. Many websites advertise free products, and they?ll advertise yours if you notify them.
Keep in contact with your customers after making a sale. Have them leave a review or answer a survey a few days after purchasing.
Learn how to employ HTML tags if you want the best optimization results. Tags are used to emphasize certain content and make it stand out from the rest of the text. Search engine spiders determine where to place your website based on whats shown by these tags. It?s important, then, to emphasize the keywords that are most essential for your SEO.
A unique way of doing internet marketing is to use image searches. Adding images that are relevant to your particular website may result in increasing interest for your content due to the exposure your website will get besides searches from text alone. Visitors who might just be looking for information sometimes end up looking through your site. Once they have been to your site and are familiar with your brand, they are more apt to visit again in the future.
If customers spend above a certain amount, you should offer them additional discounts to maximize basket size. One example is to give a 10% discount on purchases over $100. An offer like this can be quite irresistible when it comes to purchasing your products.
You need to put yourself in a position to succeed and that is what was discussed in this article. These tips should allow you to be in a position to move forward on a plan of your own, so make sure you utilize them. With some hard work and a lot of research, your business can succeed.
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Before the 49ers? Week Six game against the Giants, San Francisco coach Jim Harbaugh lashed out at New York offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride.? Harbaugh claimed that Gilbride?s complaint about 49ers defensive end Justin Smith holding offensive lineman was an ?outrageous, irrational statement? with a goal to ?both criticize and influence officiating.?
And so, after the Niners? Week Seven win over the Seahawks, Harbaugh complained about the extent to which Seattle defensive backs were making contact down the field with San Fran receivers, via a passive-aggressive request to the NFL for guidance as to what is and isn?t allowed.
On Monday, Seahawks coach Pete Carroll reminded Harbaugh of his prior words.
?Wasn?t it just a couple weeks ago when they were talking about not doing things like that?? Carroll told Brock & Salk on ESPN 710 in Seattle.? ?The Giants, Kevin Gilbride, or something like that?? You know, I thought there was something about that, you know?? Where we don?t go out and express our concerns and all.?
Carroll also addressed Harbaugh?s underlying concern.
?I think this was a very normal game for us in terms of how we played, and I?m surprised he felt like the receivers were so overwhelmed,? Carroll said.? ?I thought our guys did a good job.? There?s always gonna be some calls that you can look at.? But our guys played good, solid, hard football.? And, you know, Vernon Davis didn?t get the ball and their receivers didn?t do much, Randy [Moss] got one.? I?m sure there?s a little frustration on their part.?
Carrol thinks nothing will come of the request from Harbaugh.
?If the officials look at it, they won?t have anything to even look at,? Carroll said.? ?And I don?t think they even need to.? It?s a regular game.? Our penalties have really been going in the right direction, if you look at it. . . .? I don?t a guy should be able to speak out and go ahead and cause an investigation.? It?s too easy.? I don?t think it?s gonna happen.?
We don?t think it?ll happen, either.? But Harbaugh?s goal likely wasn?t to launch an investigation.? His goal was to both criticize and influence officiating in anticipation of the rematch between the two teams.
Kevin Gilbride would be proud.
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A fight at a local tattoo parlor led to an Interstate 25 chase, as Colorado Springs police and Colorado State Patrol searched for a possible shooting victim.
Just after 7 p.m. on Saturday shots were reported at the Pins and Needles Tattoo, at 3737 Drennan Road, where police were told that a man was shot. Police found no shooting victim, just shell casings and the front bumper that was sitting in the lot off a car stolen from Denver, police said.
The tattoo parlor was hosting a rap contest, featuring artists from around the country, police said. Witnesses told police that one rapper got in an argument with others, and then walked to his car in the parking lot, and shots were fired at him. He drove away, leaving his bumper behind.
Shortly afterwards, Colorado State Patrol troopers reported that they were chasing the bumperless car north on Interstate 25, into Douglas County. The pursuit ended in a crash.
There was no further information available from either agency at 9:30 p.m.
Refresh this page for updates.
Source: http://www.gazette.com/news/police-146238-tattoo-colorado.html
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Vitamin B complex: to promote cell regeneration, prevent beriberi renewable.
Vitamin C: is quite important for immune function, improve blood circulation and the wounds had healed, and the absorption of vitamin B can help.
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Source: http://www.hhtip.com/the-supplemental-nutrients-to-removal-of-athletes-foot-beriberi/
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A blog covering security and security technology.
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This was once a real insurance product. Squid Insurance Marketing was the low-end offering at Astonish, complete with the tagline "Nothing Kills a Squid!"
As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.
Posted on October 19, 2012 at 4:54 PM ? 6 Comments
To receive these entries once a month by e-mail, sign up for the Crypto-Gram Newsletter.
Not sure what I think of it yet, but have you been tracking the new Apple connector?
Supposedly, the /cable/ has a security chip. Very odd system, where Apple (so we're told) has control of all of them, then as a peripheral maker, you buy the chips from Apple.
Or, apparently, a "security" chip. Supposedly already cracked, which makes me wonder what the point was. Not that they are necessarily bad at security, but maybe that it's true purpose is to increase cost, or... something else I can't decipher.
Posted by: Steven Hoober at October 19, 2012 5:53 PM
OK, didn't see this story covered, so I thought it was worth a discussion. Adi Shamir did a study of Bitcoin and the transaction history. He and his co-author concluded that around 75% of the coins have never been in circulation and are being hoarded by a very small number of people.
Ars technica story here: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/10/...
Posted by: Bitcoin at October 19, 2012 6:12 PM
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Lady gaga! Your personal stuffs outstanding. Always care for it up!
Posted by: ???? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? at October 19, 2012 7:13 PM
W.r.t. the Apple connector, has anybody checked similarities to the bq26100? Hooked up an oscilloscope to the pin used for communication and looked at the signals?
Posted by: J. at October 20, 2012 8:42 AM
"Supposedly already cracked, which makes me wonder what the point was..."
Killing the second-source market. The spread on a MacBook replacement battery from an OEM and from Apple for my 2009-vintage unit is rapidly approaching $100.
Think of getting that for a cable.
Posted by: Davis X. Machina at October 20, 2012 10:08 AM
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Schneier.com is a personal website. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of BT.
Source: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/10/friday_squid_bl_348.html
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ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police clashed with anti-austerity protesters hurling stones and petrol bombs on the day of a general strike that brought much of the near-bankrupt country to a standstill.
In the second major walkout in three weeks on Thursday, almost 40,000 protesters marched in Athens in a bid to show EU leaders meeting in Brussels that new wage and pension cuts will only worsen their plight after five years of recession.
Tensions mounted when a small group of protesters began throwing pieces of marble, bottles and petrol bombs at police barricading part of the square in front of parliament, prompting riot police to fire several rounds of teargas to disperse them.
A 65-year old protester died of a heart attack, hospital sources told Reuters. Another three people were injured. Police detained about 50 protesters suspected of attacking them.
Most business and public sector activity ground to a halt at the start of the 24-hour strike called by the country's two biggest labor unions, ADEDY and GSEE.
"Enough is enough. They've dug our graves, shoved us in and we are waiting for the priest to read the last words," said Konstantinos Balomenos, a 58-year-old worker at a water utility whose wage has been halved to 900 euros and who has two unemployed sons.
It was the third time since late September that tens of thousands of Greeks have taken to the streets holding banners and chanting slogans to show their anger at austerity policies imposed by EU and IMF lenders in exchange for aid.
Some were carrying Greek, Spanish and Portuguese flags and shouted: "EU, IMF out".
"Agreeing to catastrophic measures means driving society to despair and the consequences as well as the protests will then be indefinite," said Yannis Panagopoulos, head of the GSEE private sector union, one of two major unions that represent about 2 million people, or half of Greece's workforce.
Greece is stuck in its worst downturn since World War Two and must make at least 11.5 billion euros of cuts to satisfy the "troika" of the European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF, and secure the next tranche of a 130-billion-euro bailout.
European Union leaders will try to bridge their differences over plans for a banking union at a two-day summit which starts on Thursday. No substantial decisions are expected, reviving concerns about complacency in tackling the debt crisis which exploded three years ago in Greece.
The austerity policies being pursued in Europe's indebted Mediterranean countries at the behest of Germany and other rich euro zone members will drive the euro apart, protesters warned.
"This can't go on. We sure need measures but not as tough as the ones (German Chancellor Angela) Merkel is asking for," said Dimitris Mavronassos, a 40-year-old shipyard worker who has not been paid for six months.
The strike emptied streets and offices in Athens. Ships stayed in port, Athens public transport was disrupted and hospitals were working with emergency staff, while public offices, ministries, bakeries and other shops were shut.
Newspaper kiosk owners, lawyers, taxi drivers and air traffic controllers were among those protesting over the cuts, which include further drastic reductions in welfare and health spending.
Opinion polls show rising anger with the terms of the bailout keeping the economy afloat, and Greeks becoming increasingly pessimistic about their country's future.
"The new, painful package should not be passed," the ADEDY public sector union said in a statement.
"The new demands will only finish off what's left of our labor, pension and social rights."
But with Greece due to run out of money next month, Athens has little choice but to push through the austerity package being discussed with lenders.
Greece and inspectors from the troika say they have agreed on most issues. Athens is expected to secure aid needed to avoid bankruptcy given EU determination to avoid fresh market turmoil threatening bigger economies such as Spain and Italy.
But the protests are expected to increase pressure on Greece's fragile three-party coalition cobbled together in June to implement the harsh austerity terms under its international 130-billion euro bailout agreed in March.
Emboldened by the strikes, the main opposition Syriza party turned up the heat on the government.
"Their time is running out," said the party's 38-year old leader Alexis Tsipras who took part in the march.
"People are taking matters into their own hands."
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/clashes-erupt-greek-anti-austerity-protests-032423852.html
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Shopping for a smartphone can be an exciting and arduous experience. Along with the promise of something new and fantastic, it brings the fear of commitment, and even worse, the prospect of saddling yourself to a lousy device for two years. Fortunately for you, Engadget spends tons of time playing with the latest gear and we're constantly on the lookout for what's coming next. If you're wanting to take the pain out of shopping for a smartphone, you've come to the right place. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Engadget's smartphone buyer's guide: your one-stop resource to finding the best and most exciting handsets on the market today.
Before you dive in, however, we've introduced a few changes to the buyer's guide, so take a minute to prepare yourself for what's in store. First and foremost, you'll now find alternate selections to supplement our top picks. This should already be familiar to many of you, which is the same format we use for our seasonal gift guides. The next one is a biggie: we've dropped the QWERTY selection. By and large, manufacturers and carriers alike have shifted their focus away from keyboard-equipped smartphones, and you'll rarely find more than one option on any given carrier. That said, if you still insist on the tactile experience, you'll always find everything you need to know in our reviews. Finally, whenever possible, you'll now find prices from Amazon Wireless, which allows us to provide you with more compelling budget selections and highlight the substantial savings that you can score by circumventing the carriers. It's not like they need your charity, anyway.
If you're curious to see how it all unfolded -- and we know you are -- join us after the break, where we round up the very best smartphones of the season.
Continue reading Engadget's smartphone buyer's guide: fall 2012 edition
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, HTC, Nokia, Google, Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, LG, T-Mobile
Engadget's smartphone buyer's guide: fall 2012 edition originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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ScienceDaily (Oct. 18, 2012) ? Scientists have discovered why the 'broken world' following the worst extinction of all time lasted so long -- it was simply too hot to survive.
The end-Permian mass extinction, which occurred around 250 million years ago in the pre-dinosaur era, wiped out nearly all the world's species. Typically, a mass extinction is followed by a 'dead zone' during which new species are not seen for tens of thousands of years. In this case, the dead zone, during the Early Triassic period which followed, lasted for a perplexingly long period: five million years.
A study jointly led by the University of Leeds and China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), in collaboration with the University of Erlangen-Nurnburg (Germany), shows the cause of this lengthy devastation was a temperature rise to lethal levels in the tropics: around 50-60?C on land, and 40?C at the sea-surface.
Lead author Yadong Sun, who is based in Leeds while completing a joint PhD in geology, says: "Global warming has long been linked to the end-Permian mass extinction, but this study is the first to show extreme temperatures kept life from re-starting in Equatorial latitudes for millions of years."
It is also the first study to show water temperatures close to the ocean's surface can reach 40?C -- a near-lethal value at which marine life dies and photosynthesis stops. Until now, climate modellers have assumed sea-surface temperatures cannot surpass 30?C. The findings may help us understand future climate change patterns.
The dead zone would have been a strange world -- very wet in the tropics but with almost nothing growing. No forests grew, only shrubs and ferns. No fish or marine reptiles were to be found in the tropics, only shellfish, and virtually no land animals existed because their high metabolic rate made it impossible to deal with the extreme temperatures. Only the polar regions provided a refuge from the baking heat.
Before the end-Permian mass extinction, Earth had teemed with plants and animals including primitive reptiles and amphibians, and a wide variety of sea creatures including coral and sea lillies.
This broken world scenario was caused by a breakdown in global carbon cycling. In normal circumstances, plants help regulate temperature by absorbing Co2 and burying it as dead plant matter. Without plants, levels of Co2 can rise unchecked, which causes temperatures to increase.
The study, published Oct. 19 in the journal Science, is the most detailed temperature record of this study period (252-247 million years ago) to date.
Sun and his colleagues collected data from 15,000 ancient conodonts (tiny teeth of extinct eel-like fishes) extracted from two tonnes of rocks from South China. Conodonts form a skeleton using oxygen. The isotopes of oxygen in skeletons are temperature controlled, so by studying the ratio of oxygen isotopes in the conodonts he was able to detect temperature levels hundreds of millions of years ago.
Professor Paul Wignall from the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds, one of the study's co-authors, said: "Nobody has ever dared say that past climates attained these levels of heat. Hopefully future global warming won't get anywhere near temperatures of 250 million years ago, but if it does we have shown that it may take millions of years to recover."
The study is the latest collaboration in a 20-year research partnership between the University of Leeds and China University of Geosciences in Wuhan. It was funded by the Chinese Science Foundation.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Leeds, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_science/~3/RP4Q7DHZvM0/121018141844.htm
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ScienceDaily (Oct. 19, 2012) ? NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has ingested its first solid sample into an analytical instrument inside the rover, a capability at the core of the two-year mission.
The rover's Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument is analyzing this sample to determine what minerals it contains.
"We are crossing a significant threshold for this mission by using CheMin on its first sample," said Curiosity's project scientist, John Grotzinger of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "This instrument gives us a more definitive mineral-identifying method than ever before used on Mars: X-ray diffraction. Confidently identifying minerals is important because minerals record the environmental conditions under which they form."
The sample is a sieved portion -- about as much material as in a baby aspirin -- from the third scoop collected by Curiosity as a windblown patch of dusty sand called "Rocknest." The rover's robotic arm delivered the sample to CheMin's opened inlet funnel on the rover's deck on Oct. 17.
The previous day, the rover shook the scooped material inside sample-processing chambers to scrub internal surfaces of any residue carried from Earth. One earlier scoopful was also used for cleaning. Additional repetitions of this cleaning method will be used before delivery of a future sample to the rover's other internal analytic instrument, the Sample Analysis at Mars investigation, which studies samples' chemistry.
Various small bits of light-toned material on the ground at Rocknest have affected the rover's activities in the past several days. One piece about half an inch (1.3 centimeters) long was noticed on Oct. 7. The rover team postponed use of the robotic arm for two days while investigating this object, and assessed it to be debris from the spacecraft.
Images taken after Curiosity collected its second scoop of Rocknest material on Oct. 12 showed smaller bits of light-toned material in the hole dug by the scooping action. This led to discarding that scoopful rather than using it to scrub the processing mechanisms. Scientists assess these smaller, bright particles to be native Martian material, not from the spacecraft.
"We plan to learn more both about the spacecraft material and about the smaller, bright particles," said Curiosity Project Manager Richard Cook of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena. "We will finish determining whether the spacecraft material warrants concern during future operations. The native Mars particles become fodder for the mission's scientific studies."
During a two-year prime mission, researchers are using Curiosity's 10 instruments to assess whether the study area has ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life. JPL, a division of Caltech, manages the project and built Curiosity. For more about Curiosity, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/msl , http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/msl and http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl .
You can follow the mission on Facebook and Twitter at: http://www.facebook.com/marscuriosity and http://www.twitter.com/marscuriosity .
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
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